Meaning of the term com in electrical wiring diagrams usually that is an abbreviation for the word common which means the return side of all or almost all components which are connected to. Its also called common because all circuits in the house typically have the white wires tied together which means every circuit has that wire in common.
Household Electric Circuits
What does common mean in electrical wiring. North american standards state that the neutral is neither switched nor fused except in very narrowly defined circumstances. It can refer to either a neutral wire or a wire that is connected to more than one other wire. Please enable javascript and refresh the page to continue. A two way switch has a terminal called common because terminals l1 and l2 have it in common can be at the same electrical potential as it generally. For example on a relay you would connect a common hot not neutral wire to a terminal. A common wire is either a connecting wire or a type of neutral wiring depending on the electrical circuit.
The common wire is normally the white wire at least in the united states and is often called the neutral wire. The term common can have two different meanings when it comes to electrical wiring. In building wiring systems the neutral wire is connected to earth ground at only one point. Hi all hoping to fit a volt free battery operatedpowered room thermostat called a drayton digistat 3 and just want to confim what common is on the wiring diagram is it another term for earth the stat is designed for fixed wiring only what does this mean assume another term for none mains there are 3 wire connections in total if i am reading the instructions correctly. Although much of the electricians field terminology matches that of the electrical codes usages can vary. When referring to an electric device that can be connected to another one such as a receptacle line refers to the wires feeding it from the panel which is upstream from the device in terms of the flow of electricity.
When it works as a connecting wire the wire connects at least two wires of a circuit together. So what is the common wire in electrical wiring and what does it mean. On the other hand load refers to devices on the same circuit that are downstream of the one in question. One of the hot wires swings negative and the other one swings positive. A second meaning for load is the magnitude of the energy consumed by. Standard wiring design in us.
Homes involves a neutral wire at the ground potential and two hot wires of 120 volts each. Two points are said to be common if they have the same potential voltage in this sense neu. Neutral wire is the return conductor of a circuit.