Everydrop is a water maximizer designed to move more water into the soil. Waterwetter 12 oz doubles wetting ability of water to reduce temps by up to 20f rust and corrosion protection for reduced coolant levels or straight water compatible with all glycol antifreeze cleans and lubricates water pump seals.
Redline Water Wetter Super Coolant Motorbikes Motorbike
What is water wetter. It is a staple for those who race small block chevys across the land. With the addition of a surfactant the drops of water spread out and contact the surface more effectively. This can be viewed by filling a glass over the rim with water or by placing drops of water on a hard surface. Unique agent for cooling systems that doubles the wetting ability of water. Whether an object is wet or dry depends on a balance between cohesive and adhesive forces. The surface tension of water is a force that defines its behavior.
We use it in my sons race car to keep the temperature down and it recently solved an overheating condition on his s 10 v8 running straight water in the summer. Everydrop is a unique formula of wetting agents which help more water penetrate soil and get to the roots where it is needed most. Improves heat transfer and reduces cylinder head temperature. Washing powders and detergents work to make water wetter by lowering its surface tension. Detergent molecules are like little tadpoles. This enables the water to carry detergent molecules deep into the fibres where they can come into close contact with the dirt.
Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid so when we say that something is wet we mean that the liquid is sticking to the surface of a material. Being a liquid water is not itself wet but can make other solid materials wet. These products include a unique agent that lowers temperatures by reducing or eliminating bubbles or vapor barrier that form on hot metal surfaces. Rust and corrosion protection allows for use of straight water in racing or reduced antifreeze levels in warm climates. Watter wetter works as advertised when using straight water. More water in the soil means less is wasted through surface runoff and pooling.
Unique agent for cooling systems that doubles the wetting ability of water. Water becomes wetter by lowering its surface tension.